Ep. 128 Building a thriving practice with Dr. Nabila Noor

This is a transcript of a podcast episode featuring Dr. Nabilah Noor, a urogynecologist, discussing the lessons she learned in developing her practice after completing her fellowship. The key topics covered include understanding compensation models and revenue generation, effective time management strategies, maximizing efficiency in the operating room, building a strong professional network, and achieving work-life balance. Dr. Noor shares her insights on leveraging her team, delegating tasks, pre-planning for clinic and surgery days, communicating clearly with staff, and prioritizing self-care to avoid burnout. The conversation highlights the importance of adapting to the specific needs and resources of one's practice environment while maintaining focus on providing quality patient care.


00:01:28Introduction and Background

The host, Dr. Amy Vertings, introduces the guest, Dr. Nabilah Noor, a urogynecologist employed in a large hospital network. Dr. Noor shares her educational and training background, including medical school at Duke University, residency at Mount Sinai, and fellowship at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. She explains her decision to join her current practice, driven by the desire to maintain a busy surgical volume and operate regularly.

00:06:32Lesson 1: Understanding Compensation Models and Revenue Generation

Dr. Noor discusses the importance of understanding the compensation model in her practice, which is based on relative value units (RVUs) and revenue generation. She learned to identify the revenue-generating activities, such as surgical cases, and prioritize seeing patients who could potentially convert to surgery. Dr. Noor worked closely with her team, including physician assistants and schedulers, to streamline the patient flow and ensure efficient use of resources.

00:21:00Lesson 2: Effective Time Management

Dr. Noor shares her strategies for effective time management, including pre-planning clinic notes, utilizing downtime between surgeries, and dedicating specific times for administrative tasks. She emphasizes the importance of not taking work home and maintaining a work-life balance. Dr. Noor also highlights the value of leveraging her team's skills and delegating tasks to the appropriate personnel.

00:29:27Lesson 3: Maximizing Efficiency in the Operating Room

Dr. Noor discusses her approach to maximizing efficiency in the operating room, which involves pre-planning surgeries, visualizing potential challenges, and ensuring the availability of necessary instruments and equipment. She emphasizes the importance of clear communication with the surgical team and requesting specific staff members who work well with her to streamline the process. Dr. Noor also highlights the value of remaining calm and in control during challenging situations.

00:35:10Lesson 4: Building a Strong Professional Network and Collaboration

Dr. Noor emphasizes the importance of building a strong professional network and collaborating with colleagues from various specialties. She discusses the value of clear communication, setting boundaries, and accommodating each other's schedules when working on combined cases. Dr. Noor also acknowledges the support of her family, including her husband and parents, in helping her balance her professional and personal responsibilities.

00:41:45Closing Remarks

Dr. Noor concludes by encouraging surgeons not to give up on their careers due to burnout or workplace challenges. She emphasizes the importance of adapting to different practice models and environments while maintaining confidence in one's abilities. Dr. Noor expresses her willingness to share her experiences and insights with others in the field.

Action Items

  • 00:07:24Understand the compensation model and identify revenue-generating activities to prioritize in your practice.
  • 00:23:31Implement effective time management strategies, such as pre-planning clinic notes, utilizing downtime, and delegating tasks to appropriate team members.
  • 00:31:04Pre-plan surgeries, visualize potential challenges, and ensure the availability of necessary instruments and equipment to maximize efficiency in the operating room.
  • 00:35:22Build a strong professional network and collaborate with colleagues from various specialties, communicating clearly and accommodating each other's schedules.
  • 00:36:45Seek support from family and loved ones to achieve a healthy work-life balance and avoid burnout.
  • 00:41:17Adapt to different practice models and environments while maintaining confidence in your abilities as a surgeon.
  • 00:41:00Share your experiences and insights with others in the field to help them navigate the challenges of developing a successful surgical practice.