Episode 74: From immigrant to owning 4 surgery centers with Dr. Angelina Postoev

Dr. Angelina Postoev MD. FACS is an entrepreneur and triple board certitied surgeon by the American Board of Surgery and the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery. She is the president and co-founder of IBI HealthCare Institute  Surgery Centers with locations in Buckehad, Atlanta and Loganville , GA since 2011. She completed her residency at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, one year of surgical critical care at the Ohio state, and finally one year of Cosmetic surgery rellowship. Dr. Postoev is also a clinical professor of surgery, and educates the importance of promoting women in healthcare and business. Dr. Postoev has over 12 years of experience that she brought to IBI HealthCare Institute.
An immigrant of Europe, Dr. Postoev moved to Ohio with her family at the age of 15. She was academicalv accelerated when she arrived in the states and began her collegiate career at 16 vears old at Ohio State Universitv. After completing residency at the famed Cleveland Clinic Foundation Dr. Postoey opened her own practice. She and her team
are widely known for staving at the leading edge of the latest develooments in Bariatric surgical to non-surgical approaches. She has been successtull operating multi location practices to connect with patients directly and educatina them on the best treatments for their overall health needs.
Dr.Postoev has her signts set on expansion and will de opening a fifth practice location in Orlando, FL area. She has created a national reputation for herself as
an expert general, and cosmetic surgeon.
Patients come from all over the country to consult with Dr. Postoev. She is one of very few doctors with a unique skill set in her
specialties. Dr. Postoev is driven to educate and truly advocate for the patient.